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Moringa Icy-Ger Loose Leaf Tea - 30gm

Moringa Icy-Ger Loose Leaf Tea - 30gm


Moringa Icy Ger contains organic moringa leaves, mint and ginger. Moringa leaves are the best food for the overall health of our body as the nutritional profile of moringa leaves are completely fulfilling. Moringa ginger infusion bags would be a convenient and refreshing beverage to boost our normal life style, with ginger helping with digestion.  Moringa Tea Is best to have at any time.

How To Steep

80 - 85 ° Celsius

3-5 Minutes 


Classic pure & Natural 

Moringa Leaves & Herbs
Fresh green aroma with
Fresh appearance & Mindful taste

Moringa Benefits

Moringa Benefits Leaf Era

Moringa - The Himalayan Blessings

Moringa oleifera, called the “Miracle Tree”, is one of nature’s most healthy and nutritious foods. There are countless studies that describe the benefits of moringa leaves, one of the most potent plants in the world.


Moringa leaves is an exceptionally high source of chlorophyll, green pigment regarded as one of the most beneficial energy-boosting and health-enhancing natural substances known. Some sources suggest dried moringa leaves may have three times the chlorophyll of wheatgrass.


The leaves of Moringa Oleifera tree are extremely nutrient-dense, providing essential amino acids and highly bioavailable vitamins & minerals especially calcium, Zinc, Vitamin A, B12 & C. It is also an important source of natural iron that helps to increase energy & regenerate red blood cells to prevent anemia.


Moringa supplementation is traditionally used to detoxify the body, energize & nourish it, strengthen the immune system, & prevent oxidative damage by providing various natural antioxidants.


In the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Moringa is known as a Superfood because its leaves are loaded with nutrients and one hundred grams of dry moringa leaf contains: 9 times the protein of yogurt, 10 times the vitamin A of carrots, 15 times the potassium of bananas, 17 times the calcium of milk, 12 times the vitamin C of oranges, and 25 times the iron of spinach.


Moringa leaves are exceptionally rich in antioxidants including vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, or very beneficial for diabetics chlorogenic acid which has been shown to slow cells’ sugar absorption and lower blood sugar levels.


The Tree Indigenous to Himalayan Range, Blessings of Himalayas - Moringa The Miracle Tree is next Superfood that will help to live Healthy life.

Classic Blends of Leaf Era's Moringa Tea

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